
الأن بفرع المقطم جهاز قياس طول و زوايا الانحناء و التقوس بالساقين و العمود الفقري*——–* انتظرونا.. قريبا افتتاح فرع المنيا*——–*الأن بفرع حدائق الأهرام أحدث جهار رنين مغناطيسي مغلق 1.5 تسلا يتحمل وزن حتى ٢٠٠ كجم*——–*جميع فروعنا تعمل 24 ساعة طوال ايام الاسبوع*——–*متاح ارسال صور الفحوصات الخاصه بكم علي هاتفك المحمول عن طريق خدمة Prime Portal *——–*


Accuracy and convenience are the cornerstones of our digital X-ray services

X-ray is a high frequency, high energy wave form. It cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be picked up by photographic film.  X-rays use beams of high frequency energy to create images of internal organs and bones.

What to expect

There is no specific preparation prior to undergoing an X-ray scan.
Tahrascan offers a walk-in service or you can book via our simple online booking system.
In general, you undress whatever part of your body needs examination.  You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam, depending on which area is being X-rayed.  You may also be asked to remove jewelry, eyeglasses, and any metal objects that can show up on the X-ray.
Once you are fully prepared, your X-ray technician will tell you how to position your body to create clear images.  The machine sends a beam of radiation through your body.
It is important to stay still while the images are being taken.  This will provide the clearest images possible.
After the examination, you are able to resume your normal activities.